
Posts Tagged ‘answerable’




Manmohan Singh must be prosecuted for not changing the system of recording and processing financial transactions. Not only this but it is on record that Sonia and RaGa used to instruct Man Mohan and the cabinet, how to act on every issue. Thereby Sonia and RaGa must also be, not only made answerable, but be arrested for exerting unconstitutional pressure on Man Mohan Singh, for prosecution. Man Mohan Singh should also be arrested for failing in his duties though he had taken oath that he would remain faithful to the constitution. It is a case of breach of public trust against him. How RaGa can be allowed to tear out a draft resolution prepared and passed by the ministerial cabinet?  

Why all, these?

(1) At the time of Harshad Mehta’s fraud, Man Mohan was the finance minister. He had stated before the parliament that the case of Harshad Mehta had taken place due to some system defect, and now he would modify all the systems which are prone to generate frauds.

(2) Thereafter this Finance Minister got promotion and he had been made Prime Minister by the Nehruvian Congress and its cultural allies. This was done because either Sonia wanted to enjoy only extra constitutional power only or she was not eligible for PM-ship because our Indian Constitution does not permit any person to become a minister if he/she/it has lean towards citizenship of other country. Though Sonia had gone to the president with a proof of majority support of the MPs to her, the Nehruvians and its cultural allies made a drama as if Sonia was not willing to become the PM. After playing this drama Manmohan Singh was made the PM. The possibility of a treaty between Sonia and Manmohan Singh cannot be ruled out that he would accept the unconstitutional authority of Sonia Gandhi while taking any decision.

(3) And the people of India had come across the Satyam Scam in his first term of PM. Man Mohan Singh should have at least resigned. But he did not resign and continued to act as the PM to obey the instructions of unconstitutional authorities like Sonia and RaGa. This is on records.

(4) It appears though Man Mohan Singh had stated before the parliament in 1994 that he would make the systems of financial transactions fool-proof, he did not do that. The reason may be either he was not capable to do that or he was prevented to do that. Who had prevented can be guessed by even a primary student of economics.

(5) In both the terms of Man Mohan Singh, a lot of financial scandals took place and the financial position and prestige of India had gone to dogs.

(6) The then RBI governor should also be taken to task for his all ill advises to the government and or for keeping mum.

(7) Man Mohan Singh even did not pay any regards and heed to the instructions of the Supreme Court to form a Special Investigation Team to unearth Black-Money. Nehruvian Congress willfully allowed to lapse three years and it lost the elections in 2014. Narendra Modi the new incumbent did form the SIT within three days.

(8) Now the Nehruvian congress leaders and its culturally allied parties leaders are spreading lies and rumors of the scam of some Modi, which has no relation with the PM Modi, though the birth of this scam had taken place in 2011. The Nehruvian Congress and its cultural allies are trying to allege PM Modi, to divert the attention of public to hide their own criminal inaction.

Could we taken to task “Sonu Nigam” for the faults of a Nagar Nigam?   

All these eight points, read together, and consider together, the intention related with actions/in-actions/mum/negligence/avoidance by Nehruvian Congress leaders becomes sky clear.


A SIT must be formed to investigate into all evil acts of Nehruvian Congress. They must be arrested on un-bailable warrants. A caveat must be filed so the leaders of Nehruvian Congress cannot get stay orders from the SC without hearing the prima facie of presented by the BJP government.

Shirish Mohanlal Dave

CHAMATKRITI  (चमत्कृति);

A well known story of a Sardarji. (Sardarji-s would excuse us, as they are tolerant) 

A Sardarj went to a medical store near Regal Talkies, and asked for a castor oil as he could not go to toilet for the last two days. The shop keeper inquires whether he would purchase 100ml bottle or 200ml. Sardarji inquired the price. The shopkeeper said 100ml would cost Rs. 50/- and the 200ml would cost Rs. 75/- Sardarji purchased 200ml for the benefit of Rs 25/-.  He drank the whole bottle there and there only.

He might have hardly reached Flora fountain, an enormous pressure started. The stream of excreta commenced and started marking the road.  He inquired about toilet. A person told him to go to railway station. Sardarji started nearly running to the station. When he just reached the toilet of station, a man asked him where is Flora Fountain? Sardarji said “follow this line. The origin is the flora fountain”.

Compare: Randeep Surajewala stated under the nose of the PM Narendra Modi, Nirav Modi has escaped.

The question is under whose nose or line of excreta flushed from bowels, Anderson, Quattrocchi and Daud had escaped?

The whole world knows the origin is Italy so far the line of excreta had to be followed by Ottavio Quattrocchi.

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Reflection of People’s voice: HITTING IN THE BUSH

To implement the terminology of People’s Representative in its real sense and spirit, it is not possible under present system of voting and set up of Election Commission to nominate, select and then elect people’s representative.


We are supposed to have voters’ council under constitution. This voters’ council is supposed to be a workable council. Workable means, a voters’ council should be a booth-wise council so that the people can attend meeting conveniently, communicate their views and the proceeding can be put to records including their opinion and verdict.  The circulars, agenda, minutes etc…  of the meetings of a voters’ council should be authentic.  Everything  has to be conducted under a designated government officer. If this is not done then it could be termed to be improper, irregular and unlawful.


Not only this, the voters’ council should have an independent office associated with a hall so that voters of a geographical area can be addressed and their opinion can be recorded.  As and when needed voting can be executed.


Now here, Mr. Kejriwal and the electronic media are of the affirmative opinion on the members elected under the banner of AaP, are people’s representatives. In support to this belief they say that Kejriwal had gone in different areas and he has discussed with the people on the selection of the candidates for nominating for election as representative of people in Assembly. Based on the merit (which they had formulated), the contesters  were selected as the candidates to file nomination.

Who is Kejriwal?

But who is Kejriwal to take decision on procedure, selection criteria, selection for consultation and then final selection of a candidate to term him/her as people’s approved nominated candidate to contest the Assembly election?

Since the method adopted by Kejriwal is not supported by constitution, it is unconstitutional. Elected candidate under the banner of his party cannot be legally or morally termed as peoples’ representative as argued by Mr. Kejriwal .

Now any way, in case of a person declared elected under the constitutional provision has to be accepted as people’s representative.



As for reflection of people’s opinion in its true spirit and sense, an elected member is supposed to meet  people of his constituency to seek opinion on every matter. He is not answerable to his party. He is answerable to the people who have elected him.

Now in the present situation of forming a government, the party AaP or BJP whatsoever, is not supposed to impose their opinion on the elected members.


It is that the legislature to be put before the legislative assembly in the case if he/she get elected. The draft of the legislature has to be circulated among the people and discussed,  then it has to be finalized and then it has to be got approved by the people. This procedure has to be made mandatory for every candidate. If he/she does not follow this procedure then there is no existence of transparency and  reflection of peoples’ opinion in genuine, true and lawful spirit.


 A people’s representative is supposed to be people’s representative in its sense and spirit. In that case a member should go to the voters who have elected him/her, to seek their opinion on “Yes” or “No” or for modification in the draft as the case may be.

He/she should go to the party to convey the opinion given by his/her voters. In every case/event he/she is supposed ask for the opinion as to what he/she should do?


The people’s representative is supposed to support a legislature/verdict related to an issue on merits. He/she is not supposed to act as per party’s decision. This is because, the people don’t recognize party.

People recognize only a candidate.

However there is no such system to collect such opinion from public on every point.  Further if the party is of the opinion that it will not give support or it will not take support. This type of approach is useless. Because a member of a party who is also a representative of people, is people’s representative first. He is supposed act on merits of an issue at his own will or his voters’ will. His/her party neither can dictate nor can direct.


People’s representative is answerable to his voters. First of all, there supposed to be a system for an elected member to seek a quantified opinion. In absence of such system, Kejriwal cannot believe with discrimination that all the elected members of other party are corrupted and thereby they are not worthy to extend support. To discard the support without any sustainable, logical and lawful ground and that to without going through any recognized procedure, Kejriwal cannot ask their elected members to follow him arbitrarily.


All the elected members through a single and same system are equal in all respect.  One cannot discriminate them on any ground.

Kejriwal should know that as a principle Anna as well as MK Gandhi, did not believe in party politics. Besides this there is no provision for voters to recognize a candidate by its party when they cast their votes.  There is a name against which a voter has to press the button. How can Kejriwal  take such decision that every voter who has voted for a candidate of other party has voted for that party and not for that candidate?

If Kejriwal is of the opinion that his elected candidates are the only people’s representative and BJP’s elected candidates are not the representative of people, then Kejriwal’s opinion is erroneous and not sustainable. Kejriwal can not apply double standards.

Once the persons are elected they are all equal. They should decide on every matter/issue/case/ event only on merits. This is the correct way to work in public interest.

Read more on constitutional reforms related with elections at


Shirish Mohanlal Dave

Tags: people, voice, representative, selected, candidate, nominated, elected, party, member, answerable, responsible, recognize, Kejrival, AaP, BJP, Anna, MK Gandhi, principle, assembly, legislature, opinion, Yes, No, Modification, Draft 

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