
Posts Tagged ‘Sonia’

WOW !!! WHAT A CULTURE … of Nehruvian Congress … !!!

The elections of Karnataka state Assembly are over.

The election result produced a hung assembly

BJP got 104 Ssats, Nehruvian Congress got 78 seats, JDS+ got 38 seats and others got 2

Now as per the guide line prescribed under Sarkaria Commission report, the Governor is supposed to invite the leader of the first single largest party to form a government provided it has submitted the claim.

Supreme Court Approval:

It is specifically mentioned in the report, this first single largest party should be invited to form the government. Any alliance formed, after the poll results, would be over looked. Supreme Court too, had approved this criteria.

The BJP leader had submitted his claim.

The Governor of Karnataka state, invited the leader of the First Single largest party viz. BJP who had secured 104 seats.

What is the view of INC (Indian Nehruvian Congress)?

When the vote counting was in progress, and the Nehruvian Congress realized that it has no scope of getting sufficient seats to qualify as the first single largest party, and it has also realized that BJP is to get qualified as a first single largest party, Nehruvian Congress announced that it would support the 3rd single largest party to form the government. i.e. the leader of 3rd single largest party must submit its claim to form the government.

This looks very much funny

Nehruvian Congress is well known for its corruption, fraud, lies and scandals. It was also known to the Nehruvian Congress leaders that if it submits its claim to form the government, then JDS (Janata Dal Secular) would not support the Nehruvian Congress. That is why Nehruvian Congress tempted JDS to submit its claim to form the government. Nehruvian Congress propagated heavily its opinion under its so-called democratic understanding that the BJP should not submit its claim. BJP which is the First Single Largest Party if submits its claim it would be immoral, undemocratic and murder of democracy. If the Governor invites the 3rd Single largest Party viz. JDS, it would be full of moral values, democratic and constitutional.

That is according to Nehruvian Congress, the Governor of Karnataka state must reject the claim of 1st Single Largest party. 2nd largest party is not willing to submit its claim hence the governor must invites 3rd single largest party to form its government.

Does this not look ridiculous?

It may look ridiculous, but Nehruvian Congress has its own “Humpty Dumpty Dictionary” to define political terminologies.



The governor has to use his/her discretion as to who can form the stable government.

More the number of parties more to be prone to unstable.

Parties having less number of seats can form an unstable government. A well-known evidence is available in Indian political history. To keep the first single largest party away from forming the government, 2nd and 3rd and 4th single largest parties supported the  fifth single largest party to form the government and the leader of the fifth single largest party was having the strength of one seat. It was the leader himself.

Here, in the case of the Karnataka election, the situation is not exactly the same. But if the two post-election allied parties where the party having small seat strength becomes the leading party then they are more prone to give unstable government. Otherwise also they have no well thought out, program, discussion, mutual understanding of the issues and policy matters. They are more prone to get collapsed. Had they been pre-poll alliance they could have settled, issues and policy and could have prepared common minimum program. There could be a differences among elected members and can have serious problem in post poll alliances.

 Nehruvian Congress had never clear concepts about democracy. It is beyond their brain. JL Nehru was self-recognized socialist. “Socialist” means traditional communist. However there is little difference between the ideology of JL Nehru and Communist. By virtue of vicinity of MK Gandhi and his struggle for independence from British through the non-violence and democratic way, JL Nehru was not in position to talk of autocracy. Let us keep this topic away, but inherently Nehruvian Congress believes in autocracy. It appears like that.


If you have a say, if you are heard, if you are honored, if you are replied then you are living in a party honoring the democratic values.

But in a post-poll alliance, there is no scope for a member to submit his SAY, no chance to be heard, no scope to be replied. Leave aside the point of being honored.


Nehruvian Congress does not understand the meaning of Pre-poll alliance and post-poll alliance.

Party is formed by its principles and policy. Like minded persons form a party. Give a name to the party. An alliance with some other party, is a policy matter. Before taking a decision on any matter, related with policy, it is mandatory in democracy, to discuss the matter in a general body meeting, so that the members can submit their SAY. Then a resolution is to be passed.

What to talk of general body? A resolution approved by the then Nehruvian Congress ministry in power, was torn out by Rahul Gandhi the prince of Sonia. Sonia is the wife of Rajiv Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi was the son of Indira Gandhi, Indira Gandhi was the daughter of Jawahar Lal Nehru and Jawahar Lal Nehru was failed in ICS competitive examination of British, the father of Jawahar Lal Nehru Moti Lal Nehru. Moti Lal Nehru was one of the founder member of Indian National Congress. This Moti Lal Nehru asked Mahatma Gandhi to settle JL Nehru in politics.

When India was on verge to get independence, the central working Committee had called for the proposals for the post of Prime Minister. No provincial Committee had put forward the name of Jawaharlal Nehru for PM-Ship in 1946, despite of this, Jawahar Lal Nehru did not withdraw his candidature for PM-Ship, despite of Mahatma Gandhi brought this point to his notice. Jawaharlal Nehru ignored the verdict of his party and gave an indirect message that if he would not be made leader of the party he would generate a split in the party. At that time India was facing crucial issue  of maintaining united India after independence. At that crucial time JL Nehru indicated symptoms of breaking of the party. This became the basic culture which was put forward by Nehru. The daughter of JL Nehru, viz Indira Gandhi, not only degraded heavily, but murdered not only the political values but also the social values of the Indian politics.

Despite of serial defeats Nehruvian Congress is not ready to improve its culture. The leaders of Nehruvian Congress feel that they have all liberty to blame anybody on any issue and can abuse anybody by any name.

The governor of Karnataka invited the leader of 1st single largest party to form the government. The Nehruvian Congress party went to the Supreme Court at midnight and challenged the governor’s decision, as being undemocratic and unconstitutional. Nehruvian Congress asked the SC to put a stay on the governor’s decision. The Supreme Court did not give any stay on the decision of the governor, and it also rejected demand. Further the court asked the governor of Karnataka to appoint a provisional Speaker of the house to conduct voting of the elected members to see if the invited leader possesses the clear majority or not on the floor of the Assembly.

The Governor appointed Mr. Bopaiah as the speaker from the elected members of house.  

Nehruvian Congress started agitation against the order of Supreme Court. Called the governor by abusive words and further threaten the country that there would be blood shed on the roads.

Nehruvian Congress also challenged the appointment of provisional speaker viz. Mr. Bopaiah stating that the provisional speaker is a bias one on the record and not even he is the senior most.

As for allegation “Bias” it had been already decided by the SC and the allegation was set aside by the Supreme Court long back in some other case.

As for the seniority it is difficult to understand the logic of the Nehruvian Congress leaders. According to the Nehruvian Congress, the definition of the seniority is the oldest member among all the other members in the house.

Funny part is that nowhere such definition existed. Even in Government services the seniority is based upon length of service in the same cadre. Mr. Bopaiah had completed more than two terms as MLA and he was the speaker twice.     


Nehruvian Congress leaders are heavily active on calling by names the person they dislike, irrespective of the post occupied by the targeted person. The targeted person could be an ordinary MLA, a MP, a Minister, a Chief Minister, the Prime Minister, a Governor or even a Supreme Court Judge too. Nehruvian Congress leaders belong to a dynastic party where a person belonged to the Nehruvian dynasty, is only honorable, none else unless he/she is faithful to the dynasty.

RaGa says our party possesses a school of thoughts, we believe in love, we believe in uniting the nation, we have sacrificed for nation, we care for democratic rights of people, we care for poor, whereas the BJP leaders have no principles, they hates others, they divide the nation, none of them have fought for independence, they are autocrat, they do not care for the poor mass.

Actually all these statements very well applies to themselves. We do not need to go into the proof. The very recent approach of its one of the leaders under a discussion on TV channels, proves that how much hypocrisy they possessed. E.g. A leader calls Narendra Modi a murderer of democracy because he attended the marriage ceremony of the daughter of Nawaz Sharif and gave a saree in gift to his wife in Pakistan. Recall, Indira Gandhi had gifted a portion of POK (which was captured by Indian military in the Indo-Pak war 1971) to Bhutto under Shimla Pact. The same Nehruvian Congress woman had put 66000+  persons inclusive of veteran Mahatma Gandhians, behind the bars for indefinite period without any existence of the offence at their end and without any prosecution.

Nehruvian Congress men are calling the Governor of Karnataka a dog. When this was opposed in a TV Channel under a discussion, the leader was not found apologetic, but he defended “I love dogs” and then diverted the matter. Means if you love dogs, there is nothing wrong, you have permit to call a dog to anybody. This is the logic of leaders of Nehruvian Congress.

What is the fault with other animals? We love every animal. All the animals are innocent, thankful and lovely. It may be cow, horse, donkey, pig, or a fox too. Should we call these leaders of Nehruvian Congress a fox or a donkey? But I think that would the insult of these animals.

Further, look at this …

Nehruvian Congi leaders called him NIKKAMMAA in 1997 then toppled him

Nikkammaa means USELESS. ” निकम्मा”

Now they want to oblige him by tempting his son to become the Prime Minister. This is the level of their words.

Congress has to wait for the full process of JDS is invited and proves its majority on the floor of house. Failure of Yadurappa is not enough.

Shirish M. Dave

There is poem in Gujarati, where a Camel says: “Here in this world no body is straight;

Parrot’s beak is not straight, crane’s neck is not straight, Dogs tail is not straight, Elephant’s trunk is not straight, Buffalo’s horns are not straight, Tiger’s nails are not straight … “ On hearing this,  the fox said to the camel, that as for other animals only one limb is not straight, but as for you, all your eighteen limbs are not straight.

Nehruvian Congress is like Camel.  

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Manmohan Singh must be prosecuted for not changing the system of recording and processing financial transactions. Not only this but it is on record that Sonia and RaGa used to instruct Man Mohan and the cabinet, how to act on every issue. Thereby Sonia and RaGa must also be, not only made answerable, but be arrested for exerting unconstitutional pressure on Man Mohan Singh, for prosecution. Man Mohan Singh should also be arrested for failing in his duties though he had taken oath that he would remain faithful to the constitution. It is a case of breach of public trust against him. How RaGa can be allowed to tear out a draft resolution prepared and passed by the ministerial cabinet?  

Why all, these?

(1) At the time of Harshad Mehta’s fraud, Man Mohan was the finance minister. He had stated before the parliament that the case of Harshad Mehta had taken place due to some system defect, and now he would modify all the systems which are prone to generate frauds.

(2) Thereafter this Finance Minister got promotion and he had been made Prime Minister by the Nehruvian Congress and its cultural allies. This was done because either Sonia wanted to enjoy only extra constitutional power only or she was not eligible for PM-ship because our Indian Constitution does not permit any person to become a minister if he/she/it has lean towards citizenship of other country. Though Sonia had gone to the president with a proof of majority support of the MPs to her, the Nehruvians and its cultural allies made a drama as if Sonia was not willing to become the PM. After playing this drama Manmohan Singh was made the PM. The possibility of a treaty between Sonia and Manmohan Singh cannot be ruled out that he would accept the unconstitutional authority of Sonia Gandhi while taking any decision.

(3) And the people of India had come across the Satyam Scam in his first term of PM. Man Mohan Singh should have at least resigned. But he did not resign and continued to act as the PM to obey the instructions of unconstitutional authorities like Sonia and RaGa. This is on records.

(4) It appears though Man Mohan Singh had stated before the parliament in 1994 that he would make the systems of financial transactions fool-proof, he did not do that. The reason may be either he was not capable to do that or he was prevented to do that. Who had prevented can be guessed by even a primary student of economics.

(5) In both the terms of Man Mohan Singh, a lot of financial scandals took place and the financial position and prestige of India had gone to dogs.

(6) The then RBI governor should also be taken to task for his all ill advises to the government and or for keeping mum.

(7) Man Mohan Singh even did not pay any regards and heed to the instructions of the Supreme Court to form a Special Investigation Team to unearth Black-Money. Nehruvian Congress willfully allowed to lapse three years and it lost the elections in 2014. Narendra Modi the new incumbent did form the SIT within three days.

(8) Now the Nehruvian congress leaders and its culturally allied parties leaders are spreading lies and rumors of the scam of some Modi, which has no relation with the PM Modi, though the birth of this scam had taken place in 2011. The Nehruvian Congress and its cultural allies are trying to allege PM Modi, to divert the attention of public to hide their own criminal inaction.

Could we taken to task “Sonu Nigam” for the faults of a Nagar Nigam?   

All these eight points, read together, and consider together, the intention related with actions/in-actions/mum/negligence/avoidance by Nehruvian Congress leaders becomes sky clear.


A SIT must be formed to investigate into all evil acts of Nehruvian Congress. They must be arrested on un-bailable warrants. A caveat must be filed so the leaders of Nehruvian Congress cannot get stay orders from the SC without hearing the prima facie of presented by the BJP government.

Shirish Mohanlal Dave

CHAMATKRITI  (चमत्कृति);

A well known story of a Sardarji. (Sardarji-s would excuse us, as they are tolerant) 

A Sardarj went to a medical store near Regal Talkies, and asked for a castor oil as he could not go to toilet for the last two days. The shop keeper inquires whether he would purchase 100ml bottle or 200ml. Sardarji inquired the price. The shopkeeper said 100ml would cost Rs. 50/- and the 200ml would cost Rs. 75/- Sardarji purchased 200ml for the benefit of Rs 25/-.  He drank the whole bottle there and there only.

He might have hardly reached Flora fountain, an enormous pressure started. The stream of excreta commenced and started marking the road.  He inquired about toilet. A person told him to go to railway station. Sardarji started nearly running to the station. When he just reached the toilet of station, a man asked him where is Flora Fountain? Sardarji said “follow this line. The origin is the flora fountain”.

Compare: Randeep Surajewala stated under the nose of the PM Narendra Modi, Nirav Modi has escaped.

The question is under whose nose or line of excreta flushed from bowels, Anderson, Quattrocchi and Daud had escaped?

The whole world knows the origin is Italy so far the line of excreta had to be followed by Ottavio Quattrocchi.

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Just to create fake controversies, and to divert the attention of the public from the achievements of BJP Government lead by Narendra Modi the pseudo seculars are making noise.

During this short period of 18 months the BJP government has gained a lot of prestige abroad. It has made remarkable changes on foreign policies and local governance.

Due to this reason the Anti-BJP leaders have become terribly upset. They feel politically insecure. However during the last Bihar Assembly election they could realize that the hope to remain politically alive has not become zero.

They have gained a confidence that they can manufacture even fake controversies and can very well create a negative atmosphere for BJP and Narendra Modi.

It is a matter of research as to how the middle level BJP leaders have not prepared themselves to hit back the controversy manufacturers.

Let us read the records of Nehruvians, as to how much had they tolerated opposite views and given respect to human rights !!


(1) 1946-47 None of the provincial Congress Committee had proposed the name of JL Nehru for the post of PM. Despite of this, JL Nehru did not withdraw his candidature. This matter was brought to his notice by Mahatma Gandhi. To avoid partition of Congress party, MK Gandhi had to take assurance from Sardar Patel that he would keep the Congress intact and he would not claim for the PM post.

(2) 1947-50 Nehru did not respect the advice of Sardar Patel on foreign policy with China.

(3) 1948 Nehru had abused Sardar Patel on his action on the matter of Hyderabad issue.

(4) 1948 Nehru did not like to respect democratic procedure of taking a decision only after discussing the matter in Cabinet. He took the issue of Kashmir with UNO, without discussing it with his cabinet.

(5) 1952-1962 Nehru never respected the oppositions’ point raised in the parliament on the military infiltration of China into Indian Territory.

(6) 1950s Nehru did not respect the moral aptitude on Jeep Scandal to protect his beloved VK Menan.

(7) 1956-1959 Nehru did not respect the Congress working committee’s decision on Bombay State.

(8) 1956 Nehru as a PM did not respect the neutrality on the dispute between two states. E.g. Maharashtra and Gujarat.

(9) 1962-64 Nehru did not like to respect the qualification, seniority and genuine right of others to succeed him on the post of PM. He acted, out of way and cunningly to see that Indira Gandhi who was less qualified, less dignified, less learned, less experienced, less honest … become his successor for the post of PM.

(10) 1962 Nehru had no respect towards parliament and towards his own oath. He had taken an oath before the parliament that he would not take any rest till he recapture the lost land of India to China. His oath was simply a fraud.


(1) 1956-1964 Nehru was highly intolerant towards his competitors. Due to stupid foreign policy and stupid defense policy of JL Nehru, China could achieve a cake walk victory over India. China captured 91000 square miles of Indian land. Nehru was solely responsible for the defeat of India. In respect of his failure and to owe the moral responsibility JL Nehru was supposed to resign. JL Nehru had not own his moral responsibility. Contrary to this when he noticed that Morarji Desai is trying to become his competitor for the post of PM, Nehru could not tolerate Morarji Desai. JL Nehru removed him from his Cabinet.


(1) 1968 she had no respect towards party’s constitutional procedure. The working committee of her party had approved and recommended the candidature of Sanjiv Reddy for Presidential election.

(2) 1968 she had no respect to her own oath. She signed the candidature form of presidential election in 1969, she made campaign for the opposite to party’s candidate.

(3) 1968 she had no respect for the dignity of her own colleagues. As an understanding with the working committee, Morarji Desai had to be absorbed in Cabinet. But without consulting the party president Indira Gandhi removed Morarji Desai from her cabinet.

(4) 1968 She had no respect towards moral values in politics. There were lot of allegations on her doubtful integrity. But she did not resign.

(5) 1975 She had no respect towards verdicts given by court of law. She ignored the verdict of HC on her disqualification.

(6) 1975-1977 She had no respect towards constitutional provisions, human values and democratic rights of others. She imposed emergency and suspended even natural rights of citizens. Her governments representative told on oath before the court of law that during emergency, government can even kill a person at government’s will.

(7) 1972-75 she had no respect towards truth. When she was making statements before the Allahabad High Court on a case against her unfair practice in election and abuse of power, she told 14 lies on oath before the court.

(8) 1975-1976 She had no respect towards humanity. She had put 60000+ citizens behind the bars even without existence of any offence.

(8.1) 1972 She had nullified the victory achieved through the sacrifice of Indian soldiers and people of India. She, under Simla pact, handed over even the land of POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) to Bhtto. This land was captured by India in the Pak-India war .

(8.2) 1972 She had disrespect towards her own promise of executing a packing deal with Pakistan to resolve all the issues with Pakistan. She had very good and full scope to execute “The Package Deal” with Pakistan. She willfully ignored it.

(8.3) 1972 Indira Gandhi disrespected even the constitution. To hand over a part of India, to the enemy or to any of the other countries, is against the constitution. That is our Indian cnstitutioin does not permit such transaction of land. POK is a part of India as per Indian Constitution, one cannot hand over a part of India to any other country even with an affirmation of the total MPs. To do like this India has to form a new constitution committee and a new parliament.

(8.4) 1980-83 Indira had disrespect towards the nation. She had joined hand with Bhinderanwale. She had supported terrorism and naxalite movement.

(9.1) 1968-1984 Indira had no respect towards her own words and oaths. She had promised to send back the 10000000+ (more than one crore), Bangladeshi infiltrators. But she did nothing. Her oath was simply a fraud.

(9.2) 1967-1984 Indira had no respect for truth. She floated a lot of fraudulent rumors to misguide mass with the help of her government owned media.


(1) 1968-69 Indira Gandhi had no tolerance to accept the candidature of a person (Sanjiv Reddy), proposed by the working committee of her own party. Resultantly she put up her own candidate viz. VV Giri for presidential election in 1969.

(2) 1972 Indira Gandhi had no tolerance to accept the leader elected by the state legislature party members for the post of CM. Indira always asking to accept a person of her own choice. Viz. 1972 Gujarat Assembly members had proposed Chimanbhai Patel with majority, as CM. But Indira Gandhi rejected him and imposed Ghanshyambhai Oza, who was not even an elected member of the assembly.

(3) 1972-1984 Indira Gandhi had no tolerance even if a leader of her own party, if he takes credit of his good work and good achievement. She can tolerate a leader only and only even if he/she gives credit to herself (Indira Gandhi), what had been achieved. E.g. VP Singh, Hemvatinandan Bahuguna and many others were removed by her from her cabinet for this reason only.

(4.1) 1968-77 Indira Gandhi had no tolerance to opposite view and opposite voice. She abused even veteran Gandhians like Jai Prakash Narain.

(4.2) 1975-1977 Indira had no tolerance to opposite voice and therefore she had imposed emergency for indefinite period.

(4.3) 1975-1977 Indira had no tolerance to opposite voice and Indira put 60000+ persons behind the bar for indefinite period.

(4.4) 1975-1977 Indira had no tolerance to opposite voice and Indira impose censorship on private media too, to suppress them by force.

(4.5) 1975 Indira had no tolerance to opposite voice and she even suppress the High Court judgments which were against her government,

(4.6) 1975-1977 Indira had no tolerance to opposite voice and she asked every type of associations, to pass a resolution in its meeting, that the association had supported emergency.

(4.7) 1978 Indira had no tolerance to remain without political power. She instigated Charan Sing to topple democratically elected government of Morarji Desai. She supported Charan Sing and then she betrayed him.


(1) 1984 Rajiv Gandhi had no respect towards democratic procedure. He, without looking into the propriety of the President invitation to take an oath as the PM, he took the oath, without the resolution of the working committee and the cabinet of the party and the government respectively. In fact he should have refused to take the oath in absence of such resolutions.

(2.1) 1984-1989 Rajiv Gandhi had no respect for the human rights. He avoided action against his party lead carnage on Sikhs.

(2.2) 1984 Rajiv Gandhi had no respect for human rights and humanity. He gave a smooth passage to Anderson to runaway safely from India. Anderson was the culprit of Bhopal Gas Hazard.

(3) 1984-89 Rajiv Gandhi had no respect for morality. He was involved in Boffors scam. He had written and forwarded an instruction chit through Madhav Singh Solanki a minister of his cabinet, to Swiss Government to go very slow on the matter of investigation related with Boffor Kickback.

(4) 1986-1988 Rajiv Gandhi had no respect towards nation. He gave a smooth passage to Ottavio Quatrochie to run away safely from India.



(1)The GANG does not like to respect anybody else as “Number One” in the party. Sitaram Kesri was manually lifted and driven out from the seat of the Congi-President.

(1.1) The GANG does not respect the personality of opposite party.

(1.2) The GANG does not respect the achievement of the government of opposite party,

(1.3) The GANG does not respect the constitutional provisions. The GANG paralyses the functioning of the parliament.

(1.4) The GANG does not respect the very purpose of the parliament which is to discuss the matters and exchange the views to arrive to a decision.

(1.5) The GANG disrespects the natural right of opposite party (BJP leaders) to present their side on the floor of the parliament on the allegations made by the GANG.

(2) The GANG disrespects BJP leaders.

(2.1) The GANG addresses opposite party leaders with abusive words. Like “Maut kaa Sodaagar”, “Godse’s progeny”, Communal, Manav Bhakshi, Pishaach, Chaay Waalaa, Intolerant …

(3) The GANG does not have tolerance to any opposite view to Congi’s governance.

(3.1) The GANG could not tolerate Anna’s agitation. Anna Hazare was abused and alleged by all spokespersons of the Congi

(3.2) The GANG could not tolerate Baba Ramdev’s agitation. Baba Ramdev was also abused and manhandled. A lot fraudulent allegations were made on him. Congi had executed investigations too, but found nothing against Ramdev. Despite of this, Congi never thought of submitting apology.

(3.3) The GANG could not tolerate participants’ personality. Kiran Bedi was also alleged and abused. The investigations were carried out but no guilt was found on making money by Kiran Bedi,

(3.4) The GANG had no tolerance to the functioning of the opposite party. The GANG is in habit to manufacture fake controversies.

(4) The GANG does not have any respect for the human rights of Hindus:

(4.1) The GANG willfully neglected the human rights of Hindus in Kashmir, North East and some pockets of South India.

(4.2) The GANG does not have respect towards the rule of law that everybody is equal before law.

(4.3) The GANG has willfully discriminated the Hindus’ human rights.

(4.4) Kashmiri Hindus had been threatened to be ready for the death unless they adopt Muslim religion. They were told either to adopt Muslim religion or to vacate their houses and leave Kashmir. The threat was announced through loud speakers, from Mosqs, pamphlets pasted on the doors, publications through the news paper, writing on the walls and through every means.

(4.5) The Muslims of Kashmir in joint venture with the GANG, had given a dead line date in advance about the carnage they were going to execute.

(4.6) The GANG had committed cognizable offences, as it kept mum, took no action, done no arrest, registered no FIR, initiated no investigation and no prosecution.

(4.7) The GANG kept total non-transparency on the prolonged carnage. It was a cognizable disrespect of protection of human rights of Hindus of Kashmir.

(4.8) The GANG happily watched the murders of 5000+ Hindus, and the migration of 50000000+ driven out Hindus from their houses.

(4.9) The GANG paid no heed on the issue of the rehabilitation of the Hindus. These Hindus are living in substandard living condition since last 25 years. This is nothing but a continued terrorist attack sponsored by the GANG.

What does this GANG want?

The GANG wants Hindus and pro-BJP inclusive of BJP persons should tolerate as under:

HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE all the injustice and discrimination applied upon them inclusive of end of their lives and carnage executed by the GANG.

HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE even if the GANG curtails suspends or dismisses their human rights.


HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE Even if the GANG manufactures any fraudulent and fake controversy, rumor or allegation upon them,

HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE even if the GANG does not use its sense of proportion and or it does not use its sense of relevance while alleging

HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE Even if the GANG condemns the views of them on historical events even without material

HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE Even if the GANG terms the material conclusion of existence of some historical character as fake and fictitious and the GANG avoids discussion



HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE Even if the GANG simply shouts while discussion on TV channels and consumes most of the time

HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE Even if the GANG simply shouts and disturbs them while they submit their replies

HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE Even if the GANG openly tries to divide society by caste, religion, language and region,

HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE Even if the GANG stops them and abuses them for speaking against Nehruvians’ frauds, blunders, scams, scandals, stupidity or whatsoever,

HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE as the GANG persons are not supposed to tolerate any thing whatsoever against them, even if the allegations are proved in Court of Law. This is because the Gang has full liberty to express inclusive of anti-national, derogative to Indian culture or whatsoever.

HINDUS AND PRO-BJP INCLUSIVE OF BJP PERSONS SHOULD TOLERATE as the GANG persons are not supposed to respect any of their right inclusive of human rights or natural rights or constitutional rights whatsoever.

Shirish M. Dave


Intolerance, Nehruvians, Nehru, Indira, Rajiv, Sonia, Congi, BJP, Narendra Modi, Emergency, Censorship, Media, Pseudo, Secular

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GIVE HIM A TIME I have received an email from one of my learned friends, on some points which are generally being used to pass blame on BJP and Narendra Modi by many as a failure of BJP government.


1 why no difference appears because of Modi whom we feel connected with the soil of India whereas all formers were Muslim/Communists or Christian/Communists anti nationals ?

(1)What I feel that all the problems and issues arise out of negligence, ignorance and thereby failure of Government in the fields of education and employment.

The Nehruvian Congress has no vision right from Nehru. Its ideas on management of land and productions are not worth to debate. I have watched the making of Modi in Gujarat. He was quite an unknown person to the people of Gujarat till he was made a CM of Gujarat in 2001.

A very well established leader viz. Keshubhai Patel was The CM. He was a failure to the public expectation. BJP was losing ground in Gujarat. Ahmedabad Corp election was lost by the BJP. There was a severe earth quake in Gujarat on 26-01-2001. BJP CM was a failure. Media was making fun of Keshubhai.

Some how, by the grace of God, Narendra Modi was appointed as CM by Bajpai.

Narendra took hold of bureaucracy. He suspended several senior officers and set Gujarat to normalcy.

There was a lot of internal fights within BJP. Most leaders of BJP inclusive of Keshubhai where against Modi. They were trying to let him down. But Modi had achieved mass popularity. Media was also against Modi. Modi had discontinued the special treatment to media. A very senior writer of Gujarati literature, published an advertisement asking people to submit their opinion whether Modi should continue as CM or not. People had to use the advertised form to cast their opinion and to forward the opinion with their own postage charges. Modi got 87% votes in favor. However Keshubhai and others continued their fights. They were failed. Modi also won Ahmedabad Corp.

Then it was 2002 riot case. He handled it successfully despite of all odds. He defeated all his rivals without breaking BJP. How? Simply by encouraging education, cottage productions and infrastructure developments. Development brings employment. Infrastructure development brings developments in other fields. If there is a good governance then all these can happen if one has a will.

The changes would become visible by the time of next election. Because infrastructure projects are in pipe line. During Nehruvian Cong rule a tender used to take 3 years to get finalized. It is not the case with the BJP.

2  Indians have given Modi all supper powers still he has no media which speaks good about him expect Sudarshan who is not much known . NDTV is dead antinational . Others are owned by foreign powers . Why Modi failed to rescue  our media ?

(2) Modi has no super power as per constitution. BJP has no absolute majority in LS, and no majority in RS.

Nehruvian Congress knows how to misguide people and how to degrade those who oppose them. Nehruvian Congress has become expert in dividing people by religion, caste and language.

In 1956 Nehru himself had said that if Maharashtra would get Mumbai, he would be happy. By telling this, he gave a message to Marathi people that Gujaratis are the obstructions for Marathi people in getting Mumbai. In fact Gujarati and Marathi lived together for centuries. Narendra Modi has generated a parallel media of print and TV. This is social media. Hence those who love India have to be active on social media to defeat this paid media.

3 If Modi has power to change constitution why he has not put a ban on cow slaughter and free not guilty saints from prison ? . Now he has lost supports from Sadhus community .

(3) BJP has no absolute majority and has no power to change constitution. Modi might be not in favor to take risk.

If Asharam is falling under Sadhu, then most Sadhus must not fall under that category. Shri Shri Ravishankar, Ramdev, and many others are true Sadhus. They do favor Modi. Rest too, would extend favor when they would generate a sense of proportion and sense of priority.

BJP ruled states are doing progress on the ban on cow slaughter.

4 Modi had promised to get black money back in 100 days and every body will be much better . now when he could not do it was not his responsibility to explain poor Indians who are still eagerly waiting . Now they feel cheated .

(4) We have to think with sense of proportion. Nehruvian Congress willfully failed to constitute SIT, despite of the order of SC for 3 years.

Narendra Modi constituted SIT within 3 days. SIT is headed by SC judge. We should have faith in SC and SIT.

Since BJP has no absolute majority it cannot make drastic changes. If ordinance is issued, it can be challenged in SC. Modi does not want to take a risk to give a chance to the media. Media belongs to the pseudo secular gang. It is always ready to abuse Modi by twisting the matters.

Nehruvian Congress and its allies want to create controversy on every matter. Nehruvian Congress has avoided black money issue for six decades, despite of this, Anti-Modi gangs have become able to confuse the learned people on black money issue. They have become successful to create negative image for Narendra Modi and BJP to some extent. Most learned people have lost the sense of proportion. Should we become a part of it?

Please go through my blog “क्या आप भारतके होतैषी है? और फिर भी क्या आप इनमेंसे कोई एक  वर्गमें भी आते हैं?” at https://treenetram.wordpress.com/2015/01/04/%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AF%E0%A4%BE-%E0%A4%86%E0%A4%AA-%E0%A4%AD%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%87-%E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%A4%E0%A5%88%E0%A4%B7%E0%A5%80-%E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%88-%E0%A4%94/

5 Because of these blunders Modi will lose in next election. It is not a blunder at all.

(5) To term it a blunder and to create a negative atmosphere for BJP, is the strategy and trap made by Nehruvian Congress and Anti-Modi (BJP) gangs.

How to tackle this strategy, the way out to it, depends upon us and our sense of proportion to understand and to realize the same.

The pseudo secular gangs are no way better than BJP and Narendra Modi.

We have to remember that Nehruvian Congress has ruled for six decades with majority period of absolute majority.

BJP has never ruled with an absolute majority. Now also, it is ruling with normal majority that too in LS only.

6 So , how India will save herself from wicked Congies and  Muslim/Christian powers to hijack our country ?

(6) As and when Hindus are attacked intellectually, Hindus have to hit them back.

Hindus have good weapons to fight. It is easy for Hindus to hit them back as these Muslim and Christian leaders have basic falsehood and cunningness in their philosophy and actions respectively.

When they attack on us physically, we should take legal action and to expose them, to give wide publicity. We must make such events as  international issue. There is no shortage of weapon to fight intellectually against Nehruvian Congress, pseudo secular, Christian priests and decisive forces of Muslims.

The nationalists should always hit them back repeatedly on their culture, character and their evil actions. They have no defense at all.

e.g. Nehruvian Congress:

Nehru’s Blunders on policy with China, Kashmir, Pakistan, Tibet, Burma, Ceylon etc… no end, including telling lies before parliament.

Indira’s blunders, scams, cunningness for power, negligence on the issue of sending back the Bangadeshi infiltrators, Introduction of Vote bank politics, telling lies before court of law, Simla pact, Union Carbide deal, Emergency, antisocial activities, generating cross border terrorism and what not?

Rajiv Gandhi’s inaction and improper handling of Bhopal gas hazard, making smooth pass for Anderson.

Sonia’s anti-national activities, giving smooth path to Daud to run away, allowing his gang to do all the anti-social activities, unconstitutional actions and a lot scams executed openly. Besides this, her party’s willful failure of reinstatement of Kashmiri Hindus. Denial of natural rights, Human  rights and constitutional rights of Hindus, her negligence on securities of Hindus’ rights everywhere.

Pseudo secular and media: Spreading rumors against Hindus, neglecting Kashmiri Hindus for 25+ years. This is a grave offence of keeping mum on massacre of 3000+ Kashmiri Hindus and keeping them in exile from their own state and houses. They are living in tents from 1990, till date. Hindus should make continuous, wide spread and big noise on this criminal negligence. All the leaders like Nehruvians, Kashmiri leaders like Omar, Farukh, Mufti, separatist leaders IAS officers etc… should be arrested on unbailable warrant, put to jail and convicted for willful negligence of human rights.

Christian priests: An investigation team should be constituted in each state to see as to how the Hindus were converted to Christianity.

Muslim separatists and caste politics: Most Nehruvian Congi leaders and whosoever have played or encouraged vote bank politics to divide India on the basis of caste, religion, so called race and language, should be prosecuted.

E.g.  Akabaruddin, Azamkhan, Mamata, Nitish, Laloo, Karuna, MMS, Sonia … Even without creating any controversy the Nationalist lot of India can hit these virtually anti-nationals, very hard and continuously.

As and when any of the above leaders speaks against BJP government and otherwise also, they should be bombarded by us through print media and social media. Media should be flooded with our attack.

At this stage, when the anti-national elements are alive and making efforts to derogate BJP to create a negative atmosphere, the people who think themselves nationalists, should not touch any non-issues like as to who was responsible for partition or like that…

We must also know that an enemy is never a small. National enemy can never be pardoned.

BJP has to follow Kautilya. BJP has not to follow Prithviraj Chauhan.

Kautilya has said wisely that it is better to have an intelligent enemy than to have a foolish friend.

Shirish Mohanlal Dave

Tags: Nehruvian Cong, Nehru, Indira, Rajiv, Sonia, blunder, scam, lies, SIT, BJP, Narendra Modi, Negative atmosphere, Anti-Modi gangs, pseudo secular gangs

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