
Posts Tagged ‘false’



Is it that Kapi Sibbal is illiterate?

Three years back at the time of general elections campaign, Kapil Sibbal of Nehruvian Congress had announced that he would give “Akash Tablet” to all the youths at the rate of Rs. 3000/-.

Many youths had deposited money for “Akash”.

Nehruvian Congress came to power again in 2009. The days have been passed, the weeks have been passed, moths have been passed and years are passing. Now a time has come that again the general elections have become due (at any time), but no “Akash” had come down to meet the youths on the earth. Narendra Modi pointed out this fraudulent promise of Nehruvian Congress leader in one of his lectures.

Narendra Modi further said that Nehruvian Congress has a habit and culture to give false promises. It gives false promises not to only to common men, but it gives false promises to youths too. Such type of practice, generates bad moral values in youths. This is dangerous for a nation.

In reply to this Kapi Sibbal forwarded one Akash Tablet to Modi, instead of fulfilling the promises given to the youths of Delhi. Kapi Sibbal further abused Narendra Modi, and asked him to be a cultured leader. This means that to point out the false promises of Nehruvians, is a bad culture and to make a false and fraudulent promises is a good culture according to Nehruvian Congress culture.


JL Nehru had taken an oath in 1963 before the Indian parliament that he would not take rest till he would re-capture the land snatched by China during the war in 1962. Now if Narendra Modi would point out this point, the Nehruvian Congress would forward a photo of lost land to Narendra Modi and further it would ask Narendra Modi to be educated and cultured.


If Narendra Modi would point out the oath taken by Nehruvian Progeny Indira Gandhi of “I will remove the poverty” in 1969, then Nehruvian Congress leaders would send Rs.60/- (the daily wage of NAREGA) to Narendra Modi, and ask him to be a cultured person.


If Narendra Modi would point out the promise recalled before a foreign news channel by  Indira Gandhi in 1970 that all the infiltrators came from Pakistan will be sent back to their country, the Nehruvian Congress leaders would send some Bangladeshi Muslims to Gandhinagar and further the would ask Narendra Modi to be educated and cultured.


Recall the statement of Nehruvian Congress ruling Cabinet made during the pre-India Pak war period of 1971 that “India will not give return the land won by India if any war is imposed on India by Pakistan”, and after winning the war with the great braveness of Indian soldiers, it was announced by the Indira Gandhian Cabinet that Pakistan will have to sign a package deal and will have to meet the demands as under:


What was the PACKAGE DEAL”?

Reimbursement of all the expenses incurred by India due to this war on India imposed by Pakistan,

Return of the land of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, so that the Issue of Kashmir ends up,

Take back the all the infiltrators and refugees came from Pakistan in India,

Settlement of property cases of Hindu refugees came to India from Pakistan in 1947-48,

Deportation of anti-social elements that had committed crimes in India and taken shelter in Pakistan,

All the fishermen and whatsoever Indian prisoners available in Pakistan jails will have to be released,  

“No war pact” with India,

No hatred and propaganda against India in Pakistan,



Unless Pakistan signs this pact, then only the Prisoners of War (90000 soldiers who were fed by India with due respect from 1971 to 1972) and the land won by India during the war would be returned to Pakistan.


But what has been happened in Simla pack?

No gain for India,

Indira Gandhi returned all the POW i.e.  90000 soldiers,

Indira Gandhi returned all the land pieces that had won by Indian soldiers,

Indira Gandhi also returned the land piece of POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) on which India had the claim,


On the other hand Pakistan released no Indian soldier. They are still with Pakistan, in 400+ numbers, in Pakistan Jail.


Now if Narendra Modi points out this fraud of progeny and party viz Nehruvian Congress, Kapi Sibbal or any damn leader would ask Narendra Modi to be educated and to behave with good culture.


It is not a surprise so far Nehruvian Congress leader and their allies are concerned. They have possessed all the evils available in the world. You can write a bigger book than the epic Mahabharat. Nehruvians and their party leaders can abuse any leader howsoever he may be great and popular among learned and common, if he/she opposes a Nehruvian and its party, they will abuse him/her without any logic and sense. They have spared none. They can do any damn thing to hide their evils and divert the mind of common mass by talking irrelevant and baseless.


Shirish Mohanlal Dave

Tags: Narendra Modi, Akash tablet, Kapi, Kapil, Sibbal, Nehruvian, Youth, election campaign, false, fraud, promise, Simla pact, Indira

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